Happiness Habit – Finding Ways to Feel Happy Everyday

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We chose to be happy or not.  It is a choice and we can make that choice every moment, every hour and every day.  Pleasure is sometimes mistaken for joy/happiness but there is a difference. Pleasure is short lived—happiness is lasting. How do we get happy? How can we learn to make the choice for...

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Gratitude – For Your Business & In Your Life

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“Win at Life” has many different meanings for each of us — in our jobs, careers, relationships and social circles. What does it look like or feel like when we consider ourselves as winners in our life? So what does “win at life” mean for you? Is it sharing your gifts, unique talents, and brilliance...

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Win At Life

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What does it really mean to Win at Life?  How can we learn to “win” at getting what we truly want in life. If we spend most of our life pursuing what seems makes other people successful and happy, that will leave little time for each of us to focus on what could truly allow...

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